《川里堤與路西法 Trinity & Lucifer》

《川里堤與路西法 Trinity & Lucifer》

《川里堤與路西法 Trinity & Lucifer 》小說畫集三部曲,是作家 D.G. Lampaulus 的文學創作。藉由小說中各個角色的互動,探究宏大到宇宙、微觀到我們的身體和靈魂,透過文字與超過200幅的畫作,表達出宇宙循環的發展、人類生命的旅程,我們和家人、朋友之間的情感連結,以及科技對於人類與環境的衝擊等議題。

The trilogy of novels and artwork, "Trinity & Lucifer," is a literary creation by writer D.G. Lampaulus. Through the interactions of various characters in the novels, it explores grand themes ranging from the cosmos to the intricacies of our bodies and souls. Through words and over 200 illustrations, it expresses the development of cosmic cycles, the journey of human life, emotional connections with family and friends, and the impact of technology on humanity and the environment.



Central to the trilogy are the two significant characters, Trinity and Lucifer. Trinity is the deity who created the universe, while Lucifer was originally the most perfect archangel created by Trinity but later rebelled and became the king of Hell. Through this trilogy, the writer delves into the role of humanity in the universe and the existential questions of the value and meaning of life.


首部曲《川里堤與路西法 Trinity & Lucifer 》:

The first installment "Trinity & Lucifer"

《川里堤與路西法 Trinity & Lucifer 》主要講述的是一個宇宙創世到毀滅的神話,同時也是一個關於「成長與信念」的故事。作者創作本書時初為人父,迎接新生命的開始,他將心路歷程轉化為創作,將自己對孩子的愛投射於作品中,並回憶起自身的年幼時期。宇宙的誕生就如同生命的成長過程,都是從無到有而源自於愛。作者透過川里堤和路西法這兩大主角,從宏觀的宇宙故事去反思生命的誕生、成長與信念的建立。

"Trinity & Lucifer" primarily tells a mythological story of the creation and destruction of the universe, intertwined with a narrative of "growth and belief." When the author, D.G. Lampaulus, embarked on creating this book, he had just become a father, welcoming the beginning of new life. He transformed his personal journey into his creative work, projecting his love for his child into the story and reflecting on his own childhood. The birth of the universe mirrors the process of life's growth, both emerging from nothingness and originating from love. Through the characters of Trinity and Lucifer, the author contemplates the birth of life, the journey of growth, and the establishment of belief by exploring the macrocosmic story of the universe.



The story revolves around the confrontation between Trinity and Lucifer. While we might perceive Lucifer as a presence to be eradicated, the universe actually requires both of them to function. The balance between Yin and Yang allows for the perpetuation of all things, following the laws of nature. We often celebrate the birth of new life and fear death, yet both life and death are inevitable stages of existence. Fear arises from our incomplete understanding of death. Death is not necessarily an end but possibly the beginning of another journey. Therefore, although Trinity created the universe, it does not prevent its eventual destruction but allows it to naturally cycle and evolve.




Throughout the process of growth, we gradually realize that the dual forces in the world, such as light and darkness, good and evil, are not absolute opposites and can sometimes coexist. Trinity also experiences vulnerability and arrogance, while Lucifer possesses personal charm and influence. Just like humans, we have strengths and weaknesses. We should leverage our strengths, accept and embrace our weaknesses, and become individuals with unwavering beliefs. That is the essence of life.


《川里堤與路西法 Trinity & Lucifer 》小說畫集三部曲介紹



《川里堤與路西法 Trinity & Lucifer 》小說音樂原聲帶影音





小說音樂原聲帶:Pocket Casts



  1. Anatta 無我
  2. Anonymous Out of Event Horizon 視界外的匿名者
  3. Anu’s Downfall 安努的沒落
  4. Big Melee 大混戰
  5. Abyss 深淵
  6. Born of Universe 宇宙誕生
  7. Doom Knights 末日騎士
  8. Event Horizon 事件視界
  9. Final Trumpet 最後的號角聲
  10. Front of War 戰爭前席
  11. Garden of Eden 伊甸園
  12. Glory 榮耀
  13. Growth and Belief 成長與信念
  14. I Used To Be The Favorite You Created 我曾經是你創造的最愛
  15. Imperial Front Cherub 御前智天使
  16. Legion of Angels 天使軍團
  17. Monkey King on the Clouds 雲霄上的美猴王
  18. Mother of the Universe 宇宙之母
  19. Mystery Voice 神秘的回響
  20. Practice of Ancient Indian Princes 古印度王子之修行
  21. Praise 歌頌
  22. Raise the Banner of Liberty in Hell 高舉地獄的旗幟
  23. Revolution 革命
  24. Six Hundred Years under Five Fingers Mountain 五指山下的600年
  25. Sky is Higher 天比高
  26. Sun Walker 孫行者
  27. The Love and Sex of Adam and Eve 亞當夏娃的情與色
  28. The Most Beautiful Angel Lucifer 最美麗的天使路西法
  29. The Red Dragon Comes 赤龍歸來
  30. The Seventh Day 第七天
  31. The Temptation of the Forbidden Fruit 禁果的誘惑
  32. The Universe’s First Stardust 宇宙的第一顆星塵
  33. The Void 虛空世界
  34. The Way of Cross 苦路之行
  35. The Word 大道
  36. Ātman 梵我
  37. Omniscient Being 全知者
  38. Seraph’s Holy Sword 熾天使的聖劍
  39. World Banquet 天下筵席
  40. The Brightest Warrior Michael 最鋒芒的戰士米迦勒